Year 5 and 6
Class Teacher – Sam Roberts
Class TAs - Mrs Thairs, Mrs Bentley & Mrs Rainbow
Welcome to Oak Class
Welcome to Oak Class at Payhembury Primary School. Here is a tiny overview of our class and then the thoughts of some of our children in their own words.
We are a mixed Year Five and Six class.
We have lots of adults helping us – Mr Roberts, Mrs Thairs, Mrs Bently and Mrs Rainbow.
We make sure that we have plenty of moments of fun in our day as we also know we have to work really hard at times.
And now, without any further boring Mr Roberts writing, here are the thoughts of a few of the children in our class.
I am very new to this school. This week I just started and have enjoyed everything. Everyone is really nice and kind and has helped me to settle in. I really enjoyed doing P.E. and Art.
We use Dojos as our reward system and get to design our own Dojo character and get to play on Dojo Island.
We also all have our own jobs to keep the classroom tidy.
In Oak Class we have many unique features to make learning fun.
We have a few adults in our class and they are called Mr Roberts, our teacher; Mrs Rainbow, Miss Thairs and Mrs Bently and they share the role of Teaching Assistant. Without them it would be harder to learn.
There are lots of different areas in our classroom. One is the library, home to most of the books we read. We also have the Cupboard of Doom which has been cleared out and its new name is now the cupboard of potential.
Our class is amazing because if there is a problem our friends or teachers will often find a way to help. Our class is always friendly and nobody will ever try to make you feel sad. If you are sad then we will always try to make you feel better by playing a game or having a chat.
We have jobs that we do around the classroom: some people will hand out books, some people sort out the library and some people hand out the laptops.
In Oak we have PARCH which stands for Perseverance, Acceptance, Respect, Caring and Honesty and is really important. We have Five Golden Rules too which are to follow all instructions carefully, treat others as you would wish to be treated, look after school equipment and personal belongings, to listen and respond to others respectfully and to consistently produce work that you are proud of. We also have Writing Windows where we write about something in our best handwriting.
In Oak, we are very creative and come up with lots of nice art work.
We have a green table which you go to when you need help in a subject. We also have a standing table which goes on top of a desk and you can work standing up. Most of the time I enjoy spending time in the class.
Welcome to Oak. Our class is a lovely, safe environment to work in and it is ok to make mistakes. All the teachers in the class are so caring and kind. If you ever need to ask your friends or teachers anything they will always be happy to help.
And as proof we are a real class that don’t always remember to listen, here are the thoughts of a mystery class member who didn’t write their name on their work!
In our class we have a rewards system for great work, kindness and standing out or pushing ourselves. I like it because it means you feel proud when you do something good which encourages you to do even more.
In Oak Class lesson can sometimes get tough but so far everyone has helped me to learn something new. We do a lot of decimals, fractions and percentages. I prefer big calculations and algebra so I can’t wait until we do those.
P.E. is also very fun. I love it when we go out and run the Colestocks Path because I am a very keen runner.
For all of the younger ones who are waiting to come into Oak, look forward to it because it is a great experience.