Collective Worship provides opportunities for our school community to come together and reflect upon and explore the Christian faiths, moral issues and our own beliefs.
We encourage participation on Collective Worship through active involvement in the presentation of Collective Worship or by listening and responding. Collective Worship is a time when we all come together to develop our common ethos based on our Christian values.
Prayer is at the heart of Collective Worship, we regularly recite and sign the Lord’s Prayer and our class Prayers (based on our PARCH values ). Children are given the opportunity to write their own prayers in lessons and for Class Worships. We have a PARCH box on our Worship table where children suggest subjects for giving thanks and acknowledging others. Our children engage of prayer in Collective Worships, in Church Services and each day before lunch. We open our Governor meetings with a prayer.
The cycle of the Church year is observed in Collective Worships and Church services. Collective Worship is planned around our chosen 5 Christian values: Perserverance, Acceptance, respect, Care and Honesty – the impact of this is monitored by our RE leader. We have regular visits from our vicar who leads Worship in school and at Church. We have Open the Book every other week. It is lead by a team form our Parish minstry team. We start and end each Collective Worship with a Christian liturgy and lighting the candle.
Open the Book (OtB) is an exciting storytelling project where Bible stories are shared with children in a way that is fun, interactive and memorable. As invited guests in school, storytelling teams use the Open the Book programme to prepare and present a 10–15-minute scripted Bible story to a school assembly, involving the children as much as possible.